First of all, the parish wishes everyone peace, health and happiness in to the New Year. We wish our Parish and surrounding areas all the best.
Councillors: In the December 2020 meeting councillors resolved to co-opt Ian Middleton to this Parish Council (unanimous decision).
The Parish Council reiterated that we are not a political council and due to any conflict of interests all councillors must declare conflicts of interest at the meetings.
Finance: A grant request of £500 was submitted to us as a council by Cherwell Collective. It was felt inappropriate to give funds to the refurbishment of a Kidlington Parish Council building but we are happy to provide a donation of £500 to cover their facilitation costs and to support this worthy cause. We are pleased to support this worthy group.
Councillors alongside the clerk and RFO have been considering the budget for 2021/22 which commences in April 2021. There are some increases to our budget which are unavoidable and we have reduced other areas to compensate as much as possible. The parish will have to increase our precept (council tax element) but councillors have agreed that our element of increase will not exceed 3.4%.
Schools: Cllr. N Simpson reported that Gosford Hill School were officially adopted in to the River Trust Academy. He will meet with the school mid-December. Further updates in January 2021. The closure of Sandy Lane will affect pupils’ access to the school. The parish council is objecting to this closure.
Food banks: A reminder to those struggling, there is help via the North Oxfordshire Community Foodbank, more info at The foodbank is still operating from Kidlington Baptist Church and is busier than ever. Donations remain very welcome and much needed.
Karen East, Parish Clerk to Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council December 2020