We include here various items of contact information received:
- Kidlington Coronavirus Community Help: If you are self-isolating and need help with shopping or collection of prescriptions, please call 01865-817222 or email kasa.communityhelp@gmail.com
- Age UK: 01865 411288, www.ageuk.org.uk/oxfordshire/about-us/news/coronavirus/.
- Generation Games: 01235 849 403, gg@ageukoxfordshire.org.uk, www.generationgames.org.uk
- Oxfordshire Mind: 01865 247788, info@oxfordshiremind.org.uk, www.oxfordshiremind.org.uk/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/. For Newsletter go to communications@oxfordshiremind.org.uk
Gosford Hill School: If you want to keep up with what’s happening at Gosford Hill you can check out the latest edition of the school newsletter The Gosford Times by following the link: https://gosford-hill.oxon.sch.uk/life-at-gosford-hill/news/