As we enter the last week of March and first week in April 2021, we are entering the most solemn and important time in the Christian calendar, the time when we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.
In St Thomas More we have Mass on Maundy Thursday (1st April) remembering the Last Supper when Jesus shared bread and wine with his apostles, instituting Communion, and when he gave us the example of service by washing the apostles’ feet. The next day, on Good Friday we remember when Jesus died on the cross and there is traditionally a service at 3pm. The first Mass of Easter is then on Saturday evening, with other Masses on Sunday.
This year, as with all our services, attendance in church is by reservation due to covid restrictions in order to keep everyone safe, but services are streamed on zoom or can be watched later on the web site. Times and information about making reservations or joining on zoom can be found on the parish web site:
Margaret King, 30th March 2021