Woodstock & District u3a
Hoping that we may be liberated, partially at least, from the present Lock Down sometime in Spring, work is now in hand on the first ever national ‘u3a Day’, postponed from last year and now, fingers crossed, fixed for Wednesday 2 June 2021. Rumours from Branches elsewhere include such colourful ideas as ‘flash mobs’ and the adornment of street furniture with knitted scarves in u3a’s blue and yellow livery plus rather more utilitarian activity like neighbourhood litter-picking.
This Branch plans to mount at least one local event, very likely involving demonstrations/exhibitions by as many as possible of our ‘Interest Groups’ – maybe even those bird-charming recorder players – plus, I am sure, some modest hospitality. Mark the date on calendars and diaries, and look out nearer the time for details of time and place, come along and see for yourselves what u3a is all about.
Meanwhile, this Branch’s own programme of Zoomed monthly speaker meetings continues. The – virtual – meetings of 2nd March and 6th April should provide accounts of highly contrasted family life-styles, the first dealing with post-war London’s East End, the second the Verney family at Claydon House. Zoomed, too, have been some regional events mounted by u3a’s Thames Valley Network, including, in February, an on-line and well supported general knowledge quiz.
Details of this Branch’s activities on our website: www.u3asites.org.uk/woodstock.
And, finally, hawk-eyed readers may already have spotted that ‘u3a’ (rather than U3A) is now the organisation’s public identity.
Chris Sladen, February 2021