Do you have a relative living in a care home in Oxfordshire? If so, Healthwatch Oxfordshire would like to hear about your and your loved one’s experiences during COVID-19.
The county’s independent health and social care watchdog would particularly like to know what contact you’ve been able to have with your relative since the first lockdown in March, and what impact this has had on you and them.
You can share your experiences by completing a short anonymous survey at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/carehomefamilies/
Healthwatch Oxfordshire will report what it hears to social care decision-makers, so this is your chance to have your voice heard.
If you would like a paper copy or a translation of the survey you can contact Healthwatch Oxfordshire on 01865 520520 or at hello@healthwatchoxfordshire.co.uk
To find out more about the work of Healthwatch Oxfordshire see www.healthwatchoxfordshire.co.uk