As usual the week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be running from 18th January to 25th January this year and we will be holding our usual noon-time prayers via Zoom on weekdays Monday 18th-Friday 22nd and Monday 25th.
Instead of the usual delightful Fellowship Meal with speaker we have arranged a Zoom meeting on Climate Change for the evening of Tuesday 19th January, from 7.30pm. All of our churches have been exploring how we can be more environmentally conscious in our homes, in our community and in our churches and this talk is an opportunity to be encouraged in that quest, by two experienced and well-qualified speakers giving a Christian perspective:
Martin Hodson is Operations Director with the John Ray Initiative (JRI) and Principal Tutor for CRES (Christian Rural and Environmental Sciences) a distance learning course based at Cuddesdon and partnered by JRI and A Rocha. He is former Principal Lecturer in Environmental Biology at Oxford Brookes University and continues with some research and teaching. He specialises in making science accessible to Christian audiences especially in the context of the environmental crisis.
Margot Hodson is Director of Theology and Education for JRI and is an Anglican minister serving in rural parishes in West Oxfordshire. She is Associate Tutor for Environmental Theology and Rural Mission and Ministry at Cuddesdon. Margot and Martin have published a number of books together.
If you are interested in joining the noon prayers or the evening talk further details are available by emailing to